Final documents

CEUREG FORUM XIV – Final Document

Final Document
7 – 8 October 2010

The fourteenth meeting of CEUREG FORUM was organised in Brno, Czech Republic.

CEUREG FORUM participants: Austria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Macedonia (FYROM), Moldova, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, European Commission, ECPA and CCPA.

The CEUREG FORUM meeting took place according to the Agenda (see enclosed). Participating countries from the CEUREG region, the European Commission and industry representatives discussed the PPP authorisation system established by the Regulation 1107/2009/EC replacing Directive 91/414/EEC, and requirements on the PPP use established by the Directive 2009/128/EC, especially the stage of preparatory work at the EU level, in individual countries and also the industry view on it. Other topics discussed included:

  • implementation of IPM principles
  • inspections in the PPP area
  • counterfeited products and illegal trade
  • borderline cases between PPP’s and other products
  • efficacy evaluation under the zonal system

Participants from regulatory bodies of the CEUREG countries agreed on the following conclusions and recommendations:

  1. Member States personal and financial capacity should be appropriate to the requirements and shorter timelines established by the Regulation 1107/2009/EC after 14 June 2011. All the Member States are expected to be involved in the evaluation process in proportional way.
  2. The evaluation process should be supported by the appropriate system of fees and its structure should take into account real costs.
  3. The zonal efficacy dossier should cover all the conditions and regions within the zone. Registration authorities and industry should follow EPPO Guidelines, however their full applicability within the zonal system should be further checked and discussed.
  4. It is highly desirable to initiate an expert discussion at the EU level on the efficacy issues and the harmonised approach to the evaluation in the zone.
  5. ECPA initiative to summarise all national data requirements is highly appreciated. It is recommended to check the possibility of their minimisation and incorporation to the core assessment carried out by ZRMS before the end of 2010.
  6. The borderline cases between PPP’s and other products should be better defined and a good balance as to data requirements should be applied during the authorisation process, especially for environment friendly products and for cases when the difference between PPP and non-PPP is due to the claim on the label. A survey on the authorisation system for non-PPPs in individual countries is recommended.
  7. Participants ask the European Commission to take into account the fact the practice of the Integrated Pest Management varies in different localities. Therefore it is not desirable to incorporate the detailed IPM requirements into the cross-compliance system.
  8. It is desirable that the European Commission creates a working group for all issues connected to pesticide controls. Its tasks will include promoting the exchange of experiences, proposing legal solutions, analysing and commenting on the EU documents and providing proposals and initiatives in the area of illegal trade and counterfeited products including the financing of the control system.
  9. CEUREG countries are decided to promote their co-operation in the area of PPP controls and actions against counterfeited products and the illegal trade. They will also make all their efforts to increase the efficiency of inspections. All CEUREG countries establishes contact points for the information exchange. 

Following the conclusions of the discussion, the European Commission is urged by the participating EU MSs to support traceability of PPPs by legal harmonization of requirements on data and documents accompanying re-packed products in the distribution chain.

Documents from the CEUREG meeting will be available on the CEUREG Forum web page.

Topics proposed for the next CEUREG meeting included: experiences with the application of Regulation 1107/2009 and Directive 2009/128/EC; risk indicators; overview of the situation as to the IPM and organic farming.

Ms. Bronislava Škarbová from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic, informed on Bratislava, the possible venue of CEUREG Forum XV. in October 2011.

Adopted in Brno, 8 October 2010

Final documents from CEUREG Forums

CEUREG FORUM XIII – Final document
CEUREG FORUM XII – Final document
CEUREG FORUM XI – Final document